Why Confusion Is The Biggest Opportunity For Growth

“Confusion clouds the heart

but it also points the way.”

– Trevor Hall

Let me start off by saying, if anyone ever tells you that they quote on quote “have it all together” – they’re either bullshitting you or have some form of superpower I wish I could one day conquer.

I’ll try to make this article as relatable as possible, with that being said, I truly believe – in some way or another – we’re all a little confused.

And, I believe, that’s okay.

Whether we are confused about the world itself, religion, spirituality, friendships, ourselves, family relationships, our sexuality, having a job, going to school, making a big life change, you name it.

Any obstacle you face in this lifetime gives you an opportunity for confusion. But, even more so, it gives you an opportunity for growth.

Being confused about an certain situation can be frustrating. Very frustrating.

One thing I have realized is to call deep on your courage when dealing with any confusion.

Meaning that for someone who is afraid of the dark to then force themselves to enter a dark place.

Why is this effective? You’ll never know if you can make it through the dark unless you try. There is no hurt in trying.

Always remember, you are not alone in whatever it is you are feeling.

Does all of this sound somewhat repetitive? I know.

Sometimes the biggest life lessons are learned through repetition, repeating patterns we may not even realize we were doing until we look back on it.

To elaborate, like I said before, without confusion – there is no growth.

People need to realize, as human beings, we are always growing. We are constantly changing. Imagine if you were the exact same person you were 10 years from now? I do not know about you, but to me, that is frankly terrifying.

Not only is it terrifying to me, but it also seems damn near impossible to even think about. I am completely different than who I was just a year ago, let alone 10 years ago. As, I am sure, most of you are as well.

Why does the terrify me? Without growth in my life, I feel like I am not fulfilling my God-given purpose.

Life happens and we experience new things everyday, some experiences impact us much more than others. Based on these experiences effects how we will deal with future situations we are put in. Our perception changes, our mindset changes.

I love change. Most people, on the other hand, can’t stand when things around them are changing.

There is nothing wrong with that, at all.

I once heard from the author,  John Maxwell, “Change is inevitable. Growth is optional.”

Think about this for a second.

We cannot stop things around us from changing. People change and life changes. That is going to happen.

We do have a choice, though. We a choice to make change impact our lives positively or negatively.

You can get stressed or pissed off that things are not going your way. We do that a lot. But, that’s a choice.

It’s also a choice to choose your attitude on any situation. Change your attitude, and the outcome of any situation can drastically change.

Change and confusion, I believe, can go hand in hand.

My main point of this article is to give you something to think about and here it is, to best summarize it all;

Without change, there would be no confusion. Without confusion, there would be no more opportunities for growth.

Considering change is inevitable, confusion will be there regardless. Confusion will be sitting alongside you whether you like it or not.

Allow yourself to be open to grow. Allow yourself to be accepting of insecurities and doubts you may have. If you don’t always question what is going on in your life, then you’re doing it wrong.

Ask questions. Be curious. We’re all curious. Grow. Develop. And, plant a harvest for this life.

A friendly reminder, you’re never too big – too small – too old or too tall – or too young to make a life change.

One comment

  1. Calvin Gerorge Shoop · August 25, 2016

    Love it Alex 😉


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