5 Important Lessons I Learned In The Year of 2015

Each year of our lives, I believe, holds some sort of significance. And as we grow older and wiser, some years of our lives become a blur. Some years, we lose sight of completely or maybe even purposely try to block out.

This year in particular, was not the case for me. I learned so much in the year of 2015 just about life in general. So much that I couldn’t simply block anything out really. I dealt with everything that was handed to me head-on. Which is how it should be.

I think we could all agree that we had some great memories that we’ll forever hold onto throughout this year, memories that we wish we would forget, and memories that were hard to get through and still to this day are.

I’d like to share with you and provide some insight 5 things that came to mind whenever I was reflecting back on this year.

  1. Comfort Zones Do Not Exist

Have you ever heard someone say how they wish they could do something but never put any effort into doing so? Have you ever saw the light in someones eyes and knew they could do it but they kept second guessing themselves?

Folks, the mind is a very powerful thing. And sometimes, well most of the time, it takes advantage of us.

The mind makes us believe were not good enough for something whenever we really are and we know the potential lies inside of us. But yet, there’s that voice in the back of our head saying “Stop. Don’t go. Just stay right where you are.”

If you have the urge to do something, go after it. Go after it instantaneously.

We’ve all heard of the “five-second rule for food”, Am I right? After 5 seconds the food that fell on the ground has basically gone to waste and is no longer good.

People, this is how our mind works. I encourage you to do that with your thoughts, and believe me – this truly does work.

Listen to yourself thinking and listen to those 5 seconds of impulse.

Mel Robbins once said, “If you have the impulse to do something and don’t marry it to an action within five seconds, you’ve halted its progress.” She’s basically saying here that you have put on your emergency brake. You’ve put the emergency brake onto your thoughts. Causing you to stop doing what you wanted to do.

A comfort zone is not physical. This is mental. This is all an illusion your mind puts together. The realization I had with this is whenever I stepped outside of my so called “comfort zone” so many times this year and realized I have nothing to lose. Neither do you. Take a chance.

2. Expect the Unexpected

There can be so much meaning behind this expression and I never truly understood what this meant until I saw it happen right before my eyes.

In 2015, I took a lot of risks. And of course, I’ll have years – probably every year – where I’ll continue to take risks that may either make or break a situation.

But with 2015 in particular, I went out on a limb. The last day of 2014, I wrote down so many random thoughts of mine that came to mind. I physically wrote all of these down. Not thinking twice about it. Just things I would like to see happen in the next year.

The other night, I found this letter I wrote myself at the end of the year and all the things I wanted to accomplish. Everything I wrote down happened. Is this a coincidence?

Physically writing it down is a start. If you want something to happen. Believe it will and there’s a possibility right then and there.

Also, when going into an situation you may be in, learn to not have such high expectations or any expectations at all.

This is where my next lesson comes into play, #3:

3. Things don’t go always go as planned 

You’ll run into many obstacles in life that will change you, for better or for worse. And this is when you’re forced to make a decision.

Whenever we haven’t seen the outcome of what is to come down the road, we make a decision based on how we would like for it to turn out.

We make a decision because this helps us feel like we have a sense of direction. It makes us feel like we actually have a plan. Like we actually have our lives together.

In all reality, does anyone really feel like you have your life together?

We’re always changing and so is the universe we’re living in. I think we often lose sight of this. As we grow older, we become interested in different things. We meet new people and have more experiences. These experiences can shift us into a completely different direction than we anticipated. And this is not bad once so ever.

This is actually good. It’s good to figure things out, for sure. You can let your life pass you by and hope for the best. Even though most of us would like to.

If you try something you thought you’d enjoy, and you fail – realizing this isn’t what you expected. Pick yourself up, let go of that expectation, and try something else. Life is all about learning as you go.

4. Living Fully in the Present Moment 

“Realize deeply that the present moment is all you ever have.” – Eckhart Tolle

While we’re growing up, it’s easy to get lost into your future plans. You get lost so much so that you completely lose sight of what’s happening right in front of you.

Here’s an example, whenever you are driving – you’re focusing on the road you are on obviously. You’re focusing on your surroundings on the road. You’re not sitting there thinking about the road you drove on an hour or two ago, that’d make you lose sight of the one your driving on now. Same thing goes with the road you’ll be driving along within the an hour or two.

The past is gone. It’s not coming back. What’s done is done. Focus on what’s happening NOW. Don’t dwell over what you can’t change. And, if you can change it – do so.

The future hasn’t even happened yet. Tomorrow is simply an illusion that may or may not happen. How do you know if you’re gonna wake up tomorrow? You don’t.

As humans, it seems to be in our nature to worry – to worry about what happened or what is going to happen. So much so that we become unaware of the present moment and we can’t enjoy what’s here now.

Focus on your work you need to do today. Today is guaranteed.

And remind yourself each morning when you rise, that the greatest blessing has already happened to you today. You have already opened to gifts for yourself. Your eyes. It’s such a blessing to be alive.

You’ll feel fully alive and connected with the universe the most when you are focusing your energy on the present moment.

    5. Learning to Let Go

This is by far the hardest lesson to learn.

It’s hard to let go of someone, something, or somewhere that has held such an important place in your heart for so long.

And it may sound harsh, but it’s a part of life.

You’re not going to remain friends with some of the same people you’ve always been friends with forever.

You’re not always going to be interested in what you were 10 years ago. You’ll want to try new things. And kudos to you because you should.

Sometimes you realize a place you used to be comfortable in, you aren’t any longer. You feel out of place. And you realize the true meaning of home. A sense of belonging. A sense where you feel united with those who you love no matter where you are.

The best way to let go is to forgive. Forgive whatever it is or whomever it is and forgive yourself. When you forgive, you love.

Acceptance is key. Accept the truth and be thankful for the outcome. Be thankful for all that you had from these experiences you encountered. It’s accepting everything you have and once had. Embrace life’s changes.

I wish you all a blessed and very Happy New Year for 2016!





3 Reasons Why You Must Love Yourself Before Loving Someone Else

Before going into a serious relationship, I’d say, the most important thing to be conscious of before jumping into anything is quite simple actually. Be self-aware. It’s easy to get so caught up in finding someone that you lose yourself in the process and the relationship turns out being the complete opposite of what you expected. Why does this happen? Because you simply aren’t considering your own feelings in the relationship. You’re so caught up in pleasing the other person. At the end of the day, please yourself and I guarantee others will follow.

Our ideal partner is more than likely someone who is a reflection of us. Someone who understands YOU. Someone who can relate to YOU.

Many people go through life being in relationship after relationship. They are so reliant on others that they don’t even know themselves at all. These are the people who don’t know what it’s like to be confident in themselves, they have had everything handed to them. Maybe they’ve never accomplished anything without the help of their significant other?

The people who can’t stand to be alone, they have always had someone to talk to. Someone to tell their problems to. Instead of dealing with it personally.

It’s sad that some people also don’t know what it is to truly be happy, they consider happiness almost as if it is a “destination”. That if I get this car, that boy, that girl, this house, the latest high-tech gadget, then they WILL be happy. Yes, you may be happy. Temporarily. That’s the key word. Happiness is an emotion, it comes and goes.

Now, with touching base on these few topics, let me elaborate just a little bit to try and steer you towards the right direction on which you can achieve that self-love you need in order to successfully love all of those who come into your path.

  1. Confidence

Gaining that confidence in yourself might be the hardest thing for you to do, or the easiest thing to do, depending on the way you look at it. Start out by asking yourself simple questions. Questions maybe that you never thought you would ask yourself because they sound so bizarre.

Try asking yourself, “Do I like myself?”, “What do I like about myself?”, “What makes me who I am?” Embrace that. Flaunt it. Own it.

Look into the mirror and tell yourself how beautiful you are. Tell yourself that you are worth it. Tell yourself that you’re amazing. Repetition is a great thing. And it works. Don’t believe me? Try it yourself and see.

At first, you may think you’re crazy, but, the way you present yourself will either positively effect you or negatively effect you. It’s you’re choice. Believe in all that you are. Everyone has insecurities. We’re human beings. Don’t shy away because of one flaw you think you have, you could miss out on something so spectacular. If you truly believe that you are beautiful, someone will do the same.

2. Being Comfortable with “Loneliness”  

I’d say, one of the greatest life lessons I have ever learned was being comfortable being alone with myself.

Have you ever thought; “Why am I sitting alone at home?”, “I need to hangout with someone”, or whenever you are actually “alone” you’re constantly distracting yourself from your own thoughts. You do this by, maybe, playing on your phone or sitting on the computer aimlessly scrolling through your twitter feed.

Try this, I recommend sitting in complete silence just for about 5-10 minutes. Yes, you may consider yourself being completely bored to death. I did at first as well, so you’re not alone there. But just sit there, be with your own thoughts. This can be overwhelming. Especially if you have never sat in silence before. But, that makes it all the more necessary.

We live in a generation that is constantly moving and growing. Almost as if we have no time to sit and breathe. Focus on nothing but the now. On what you are doing at this very moment.

Instead of distracting yourself by being on your phone or reading the latest gossip on social media, go for a walk. Put the cellphone down and go into the fresh air. This world was made for you. Look at the trees. Listen to the birds sing. Feel the wind in your hair. All these things can be so much more fulfilling to you and also make you comfortable being in your own presence.

Ease your mind. Consider writing a journal. Life doesn’t have to be 140 characters or less. As simple as just waking up in the morning – take a deep breath, focus on your breathing. And most importantly, let go of the expectations you think people have towards you. Life isn’t always going to go 100% as planned. You’re not perfect. Be still. Be present. At the end of the day, realize this, you are the person you go to bed with every night. When you look into the mirror, it’s a reflection of who you are. Be comfortable with that. Realize deeply that you are one.

3. True Happiness

In the beginning of Beyonce’s song ‘Pretty Hurts’, a man asks, “What is your aspiration in life?”

Beyonce simply replied, “My aspiration in life…would be… to be happy”.

I think we could all agree we would say the same thing in one way or another. But, what is happiness?

Angry, mad, sad, glad, scared, calm, crabby, crazed, bored, frustrated, stressed, cheerful, happy.

All these are emotions and feelings that come and go.

How can I just BE happy?

Happiness is not a mental state that will permanently stay put in your life.

But, with being accepting in who you are and training your mind to let go of the negative and focus on the positive. Achieving happiness becomes so much more easier for you. Being a happy person doesn’t mean you are always smiling, it doesn’t mean you never have a bad day. Hell, we all have bad days. But genuinely being happy, you focus always on the good of a situation and what impacted you instead of instantly jumping to the bad. It may sound cliche, but true happiness comes from within. Within believing in ourselves. Don’t look for something or someone to bring you that happiness you have longed to desire for. Look to yourself. That happiness you’ve been searching for is right in front of you. Happiness is a choice. Appreciate what you have and no longer compare yourself to others. Start in this very moment to choose and be happy. Not tomorrow. Not next week. But, now. Everything else is uncertain. Learn how to detach yourself specifically on the outcome of the situation and just enjoy the ride.

You can never be happy as someones other half unless you can be happy as a whole all on your own