You Can’t Be Everybody’s Cup of Tea

Some like it black, some like it green
Nobody’s everybody’s favorite
So you might as well just make it how you please

As I sit here, ironically drinking a cup of tea, I was inspired to write this. One of the greatest life lessons I can say I’ve ever learned is to STOP being such a people pleaser.

Stop telling yourself you have to act this way, dress this way, hang around this specific group of people who you have no interest in, just because you feel obligated to. You are not being true to yourself when doing this.

At the end of the day, you are all you’ve got.

You are the same person who looked into the mirror as yesterday.

Be proud of who you are and others will do the same.

I can honestly say, nothing is more liberating than removing negative relationships from your life that have been dragging you down consistently. Surround yourself with people who are only going to focus on lifting you up. Surround yourself with the people who make you a better you. I know it may sound a little cliche, but this works.

Throughout many years, I thought I had to hangout with a certain type of crowd to “fit in”. I thought I had to listen to certain music because if I listened to something not most of my “friends” listened to, then I’d be weird. Almost as if I were ashamed to be different. Like, being different was a crime.

Let me tell you one thing, being different is the most beautiful thing in human nature to me.


Yes, a lot of us do share similar characteristics and share the same interests – but what makes us beautiful is the fact that there is SOMETHING about us that makes each and every one of us stand out. And those who are so called “different” just embrace that much more than the people who are afraid to. Don’t be afraid to stand out. God made you, he hand-crafted your very being. Embrace the life He has given you. Don’t let someone else, someone who is clearly not you nor ever will be, tell you how to live your life.

Wear what you want to wear, hangout with who you want to hangout with, listen to the music YOU enjoy.

I cannot stress enough that this life is YOURS. Make it your own.

We all start with a blank canvas when we are born. Don’t let someone else hold your brush.

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